Today many rural public schools in Kenya continue to provide unacceptable toilet facilities for almost 10% of their rural schools.
This photo was taken from a Kenya news post today.
This link will take you to a reality for many rural communities.
Public schools today, in rural areas of Kenya
March 2008, this was the latrine at Neema Nuru. This was the very first item which GAD Kenya asked for help to replace
2008 again, brick and mortar latrines for students and teachers. Since 2008 Gad Kenya and Go and Do Likewise have assisted numerous public schools to improve their facilities.
Neema Nuru today has water catchment system to provide for washing hands and secure latrine facilities. Powered by solar energy since 2013 it is a beacon to the poor in the area.
Still it is no surprise to read today of the challenges facing the rural poor in their desire to overcome the cycle of poverty and illiteracy.
Because the priority of Neema Nuru is to provide an excellent fundamental education for the poorest of the poor they need our help on a regular basis. It would be a tragedy for us to fail. Parents with money would pay to have their children taught here. Our choice is to retain the primary focus on the poor, the unacceptable alternative is to open the doors to those with means.
To stay the course to disrupt the cycle for the poorest of the poor we need your help.

Help us to help this community help themselves.
Simply type Neema Nuru in the comments section. Go and Do Likewise leadership will pay the cost related to your secure online donation. 100% of your donation will be used to support the school.