Our visit in 2010 provided a new experience for us. One of our travelers met a young man whom his family was sponsoring in Secondary. Brent Tanner meet Eric Pius. The meeting is a great story and perhaps Brent will tell his version some day. At the time the two were both seeking to be engineers. Things didn’t go so smoothly for Eric. Once again a very poor education foundation and lack of family resources put Eric on a track to fail. On his first try Eric scored poorly and the reality of his challenge stood large.
So Eric decided, with the encouragement and mentoring of two previous students, to go back and try again. Eric basically took Secondary over a second time. He persevered, worked hard. While many of his age peers accepted their final scores that course was not for Eric. Determined Eric approached GAD Kenya and persuaded the leadership that he was worth the gamble so as it is many times when hard working people do not give up 2013 saw Eric score very high on the national test and earn a Government Scholarship.
Congratulations Eric, well done.