Solar…a new light in Kenya

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Since we began our efforts to support the people and the leadership of Rionchogu village in western Kenya we all have held education as a primary objective to provide a better future for these people. Education though is not always limited to classrooms and the process for children to gain information. It also comes from the experience of those who support.

Intertwined in this experience of education is also the process the community goes through as it learns the ‘cost’ of educating children. One such cost has been that of buying the fuel for light. As there is no electricity the day ends as the sun disappears. The answer for light has been the use of Paraffin lamps even while they are both low light source and unhealthy for both eyes and lungs and they are expensive to burn. Today the village is alive with a new potential, Solar Light.

Here are comments from Kiefa Ontiri, the local leader of GAD Kenya as well as the one person most directly responsible for the hope found in Rionchogu.

There is anew hope in the village with the non pollutant technology of lighting system.the students that received the solar head lamps have something precious to put a happy smile on because they are sure to do their studies at night especially the homework they are given from school. Previously doing studies at home was uncertain because of paraffin.

The women on the other side have greatly appreciated the solar lights because their children cannot miss to study at night and the smokey candles which they have been using has affected the health of their children by causing lung diseases as well as affecting their eyes. Also the money that they have been purchasing parraffin can now be used to purchase other basic items.

The GADK board has the pleasure to inform you that the solar lights has been received with great appreciation.the board has realized that there is great need for these solar lights.Everyone is demanding for even at least one clip light for their school going children and for home lighting.

Because of the poor economical status of the people in the village ,the information we have gathered shows that everyone has a great desire for the solar lights and most of them can afford to purchase the solar lights as follows:

  • The solar lamp @ KSH 600.
  • The clip light @ KSH 300.
  • The cell phone charging kit@ KSH 250.

I hope you can convert these to U.S dollars. This means that ,they are willing and able to get the solar lights at ahalf the cost price. However, there are those that cannot afford and we must help them.

We shall soon send you the solar light photos. we praise God for bringing another opportunity in the village as well as kenya.

The ability of the villagers to pay equals about one fourth the cost of these lights. We need for others to come forth to help us fund the remaining amounts for these lights.

Will you be one of those people?