Plus our previous Go and Do Likewise blog posts!
Hey there!
Were announcing the return of our blog, though an article late (see first GADK article here), this serves the purpose of a marker between the past and present season after a two year hiatus. In fact, nearly to-the-day.
Not only is it our desire to present the education crisis in rural Kenya, and our response to it, but we also want to be sure that we add value to your experience here on our blog and our website in general. If at any time you have something to share – be it a critique or contribution – we want to hear about it. Email us at or visit our Contact Page for furthers ways to reach us.

So much is happening in Kenya, even though Sub-Saharan Africa is still ranks lowest below the poverty level in the world. The pace of the tech race in Kenya is stepping up – as human rights are rediscovered through new democracies taking shape. We hope to share some of this more important and interesting news, also what we are up to – plus a little this and that.
The Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals 2018 presents maps, charts, and stories related to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. It discusses trends, comparisons, and measurement issues using accessible and shareable data visualizations.
The data draw on the World Development Indicators the World Bank’s compilation of internationally comparable statistics about global development and the quality of people’s lives. For each of the SDGs, relevant indicators have been chosen to illustrate important ideas.