Welcome to GADL's new blog, powered by WordPress. Today marks a new beginning in how we communicate with you. Our website is in the final stages of redesign, which began this past year. Lauren E. thank you from the bottom of our hearts for helping GADL move forward in the quest for connectivity. Sean Wilson's vast experience and knowledge of php, WordPress, and all things "code" allowed for meticulous fine tuning as we prepared to blog. And here we are.
Please give us your honest feedback so that we can better serve our viewers.
Bud Potter, in the midst of organizing student data arriving daily via email from Pastor Kiefa in Rionchogu, will come up for air soon and write a proper blog. But for now:
From Bud Potter
I have heard, although I am not a Hebrew scholar so I cannot speak to the “stretch” in the translation, that a possible definition of “wisdom” in the ancient Hebrew text would be: “…a change in character due to a personal encounter with the Living God” (from a teaching by Timothy Keller). I am struck by how often such an encounter is an ingredient in real growth in faith, such as that shared by Richard Stearns below. A question arises within me: How much wisdom have I missed due to a fear of just such an encounter? As Stearns points out, his life would never be the same. Are we in fear of letting this unknown God “encounter” us that we might have our world changed?
I drove a Jaguar to work every day, and my business travel took me to places such as Paris, Tokyo, London, and Florence. I flew first-class and stayed in the best hotels. I was respected in my community, . . . and sat on the board of my kids’ Christian school. I had never heard of Rakai, the place where my bubble would burst. But in just sixty days, God turned my life inside out, and it would never be the same.
Stearns, Richard. “The Hole in Our Gospel.” Thomas Nelson, 2010-03-29. iBooks.